AMCA Visit

We are pleased to report that in recent days we had the honor of receiving a welcome visit to our company from AMCA’s global technical director, Nazme Mohsina.
During this stay, technical developments and global trends in the ventilation industry were discussed.
For almost ten years, Elektrovent can boast of being a member of AMCA (AIR MOVEMENT AND CONTROL ASSOCIATION) the association that brings together the world’s top manufacturers of aeraulic equipment.
Since the beginning of this association, we have obtained AMCA 210 and ISO 5801 certification of our laboratory, which is an indispensable support for the active research and development department and the driving force behind the innovation of our products.
In addition, for years we have been certifying AMCA some of our products following the comprehensive CRP (Certification Rating Program ,a global reference that can guarantee the authoritativeness of the data provided to its customers all over the world).
We thank AMCA for the welcome visit and look forward to welcoming back to Elektrovent the director Nazme , whose deep technical expertise as well as exquisite kindness we appreciated.