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The vertical discharge roof fan line ROOF-HM are destined to the plants requiring the evacuation of fire smokes, in environments like: industries, underground car parks, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, theatres, museums, etc. This series is designed and manufactured according to the European directive EN 12101-3 certified by an Autonomous Qualified Certification Institute. ROOF-HM fans are suitable to convey clean air and not dusty smokes up to the maximum temperature of 120°C in continuous service, with peaks at 180°C, and in case of fire emergency at the temperature...
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The CH-BOX HT line are destined to plants requiring the evacuation of fire smokes in environments like underground car parks, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, theatres, industries. CH-BOX HT serie is designed and manufactured according to the European directive EN 12101-3 obtaining the certification by an Autonomous Qualified Certification Institute. CH-BOX HT are suitable to convey clean air and non dusty smokes up to the maximum temperature of 120°C in continuous service or in case of fire emergency at the temperature of 400°C for 120 minutes (F400). For installation outside...
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DUCT-M-HT DUCT-M-HT line is characterized by the use of special components (motor, impeller and casing), different from the standard production, suitable to guarantee the heavy and essential service for which they are designed: to withstand to the high temperatures to guarantee the possibility of salvation for the people involved in a fire. This line consists of 15 sizes with impeller diameter from 310 up to 1600 mm. Download document DUCT-M-HT 2022...
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RING-HT RING-HT line is characterized by the use of special components (motor, impeller and casing), different from the standard production, suitable to guarantee the heavy and essential service for which they are designed: to withstand to the high temperatures to guarantee the possibility of salvation for the people involved in a fire. This line consists of 9 sizes with impeller diameter from 400 up to 1000 mm. Download document RING-HT 2022 ...
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JP-DUCT Impulse fans JP-DUCT are used in the forced ventilation of car parks, toremove the most common pollutions (ex. CO) and in case of emergency (fire), it activates to prevent and restrict the damages to people andobjects: creating escape routes from toxic smokes, preventing thepropagation in the adjacent zones etc. Download document JP-DOCT 2022 ...
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JP-DOCT Impulse fans JP-DOCT are used in the forced ventilation of car parks, to remove the most common pollutions (ex. CO) and in case of emergency (fire) it activates to prevent and restrict the damages to people and objects: creating escape routes from toxic smokes, preventing the propagation in the adjacent zones etc. Special feature of JP-DOCT is their octagonal shape. The result of this is a great reduction of the height compared to their homologous circular jet-fans JP-DUCT. They are therefore ideal in car parks application with very...
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JP-CENTRY Impulse fans JP-CENTRY are used in the forced ventilation of car parks, to remove the most common pollutions (ex. CO) and in case of emergency(fire), it activates to prevent and restrict the damages to people and objects: creating escape routes from toxic smokes, preventing the propagation in the adjacent zones etc. Download document JP-CENTRY 2022...
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ROOF-CM-HT The horizontal discharge roof fan line ROOF-CM-HT are destined to the plants requiring the evacuation of fire smokes, in environments like underground car parks, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, theatres, museums, etc. This series is designed and manufactured according to the European directive EN 12101-3 obtaining the certification by an Autonomous Qualified Certification Institute. ROOF-CM-HT fans are suitable to convey clean air and non dusty smokes up to the maximum temperature of 200°C in continuous service and in case of fire emergency at the temperature of...
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ROOF-CMV-HT The vertical discharge roof fan line ROOF-CMV-HT are destined to the plants requiring the evacuation of fire smokes, in environments like underground car parks, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, theatres, museums, etc. This series is designed and manufactured according to the European directive EN 12101-3 obtaining the certification by an Autonomous Qualified Certification Institute. ROOF-CMV-HT fans are suitable to convey clean air and non dusty smokes up to the maximum temperature of 60°C in continuous service and in case of fire emergency at the temperature of...
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ROOF-AM-HT ROOF-AM-HT line is designed to extract large volumes of air in roof installations, also in case of fire emergency where it is prescribed the necessity to guarantee the smoke extraction in environments as car parks, commercial centers, hospitals, theatres, museums, buildings etc. ROOF-AM-HT fans have been designed and manufactured according to the European Directive EN 12101-3 obtaining the certification from an authorized autonomous certification body. This line is suitable to work in continuous at the temperature of 50°C and in case of emergency (fire) at the...
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BD-BOX-HT The BD-BOX-HT line is destined to plants requiring the evacuation of fire smokes in environments like underground car parks, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, theatres, museums, etc. BD-BOX-HT are suitable to convey clean air and non dusty smokes up to the maximum temperature of 150°C in continuous service or in case of fire emergency at the temperature of 400°C for 120 minutes (F400). For installation outside the fire compartment. Download document  BD-BOX-HT 2022 ...
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Il kit di pressurizzazione SMOFIL è un sistema semplice ed affidabile per creare all’interno di un filtro a prova di fumo antincendio una pressione positiva rispetto a quella esistente nell’ambiente a rischio d’incendio. Il DM 30-11-83 ed il DM 3 agosto 2015 (il nuovo Testo Unico) prescrivono una sovrappressione nel filtro di almeno 0,30 mbar (30 Pa). Il kit SMOFIL, grazie alla potenza degli elettro-ventilatori impiegati, è in grado di raggiungere tale valore di ΔP in tempi brevissimi, anche inferiori ad 1 secondo....

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