Dear friends,

as said just before the winter shutdown and available for your reading in our web site in the news section, from the first January 2015 the second phase of the “ErP” directive EC 2009-125 entered in force and in particular the following 2 regulations:

-         EC 327-2011 improving the minimum efficiency requirements for the fans

-         EC 640-2009 imposing the minimum efficiency requirements for motors from 7.5kW and above

Our task to comply seriously within the due time to such a directive impose us to invest and act significantly with subsequent relapses in our production program and price list.


In the last few years Elektrovent invested a lot of time and resources to reach the target of the minimum efficiency requirements imposed by the regulation EC 327/11. The results are very satisfactory and only a few models have been excluded from the “European catalogue” 2015. The long process of research, development and testing has allowed to improve not only the energetic but also the air performance (airflow and pressure) of our fans. For instance and in particular please check the performance of the ROOF-CM and DC-BOX lines. Please see attached the technical sheet if the lines subjected to the major changes. Models marked (*) are exclusively for the markets “OUTSIDE EUROPE”. The complete 2015 catalogue will be soon available in hard copy and digital version on our website (; Please reminder that ATEX and smoke fans as well as some other special fans are not yet subjected to ErP directive.


In the last months the increase of the production and general costs forced us to review our list prices. The extensive work on our products due to the ErP requirements has given to us also the chance to verify carefully each single item in a non-speculative way. The result is the new LISTINO ELEKTROVENT 1_2015 entering in force by the 1ST FEBRUARY 2015 with small price increases, same prices for the most of items and also some price reductions. The most significant price increase is obviously related to the product powered by IE3 motors (due to their higher costs when compared with the IE2 motors) as well as some models where the modifications to be ErP compliant were particularly “heavy”. We take the occasion to inform you also that all the running offers will up be automatically updated by +5% starting always by the 1ST FEBRUARY 2015. As for the past We really hope you will continue appreciating all our efforts to become your partner growing in innovation, reliability and competiveness.

For any further information I remain at your complete service,

Best regards

Click for pdf version: New catalogue items